Wednesday 10 October 2012

Black Mesa

So this will be last post about black mesa. I got really disappointed when I saw that they only made the first half of the game so I really hope for some new materials in this game soon. Until that I will be playing some amnesia custom mods actually. So if you like amnesia custom mods stay tuned.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Black Mesa Continues

Some new screenshots!

Love the fish in this game!

New Horror game

So I am going to try a new co op horror game, seems like the scariest horror game ever. Will update tomorrow about it!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Black Mesa

So these are just some pictures from the progress under black mesa, if you have played half life, then you should feel excited because this remake is beautiful and just amazing. The gameplay is like half life the original but the graphics makes this game feel like it felt 14 years ago when it was released. So I will post some screenshots and I hope you enjoy it! My personal favorite is the picture with the small insects,  dont remember what they are called but they are painted on a whiteboard. They should really make a multiplayer game from this. Half Lifes multiplayer is the funniest multiplayer game you can play.