Tuesday 22 January 2013

One Late Night (horror indie game)

So this game got released a couple of days ago on indieb and moddb. Some of the sites I check out for new exciting releases of horror games. This horror game takes place in an office, your are working on a project and your deadline is approaching really fast. So you are working alone "One Late Night" and when you go and get your coffee shit really hits the fan when you get back to your office someone has been there writing something on your screen. I wonder know why the hell he just doesn't stay in his little room but what would be the horror in that? So you go out and explore the different parts in the office to find out what's going on. This is just a first impression I never saw what was haunting me or anything like that, just some chairs flying around and such. This game really builds up to something, I went around in the office for a while and never encountered anything. I personally likes the horror games where you can shoot everything apart when something scary appears. Amnesia is pretty awesome though but that's because you can actually hide very well, this game sure you can hide under desks.

If you want a good free horror game, a short one. Then One Late Night is the game for you! I will post their official website down below.

One Late Night (Just click One Late Night to get thrown into a new dimensional and end up in a very scary place.)

Screenshots from ingame:

He should really stop pressing his pen that's an incredible annoying bad habit!

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