Sunday 30 September 2012

Starcraft 2 portrait zealot chef

So this is the coolest portrait, the zealot chef. The easiest portrait you can achieve through blizzard mods. So I will upload some pictures and explain underneath every picture what you are supposed to do.

The goal of this achievement is to collect ingredients and make dishes, in each round you have 3 dishes you are supposed to make. To get the achievement you have to make all dishes on every round (3 rounds)

 So step one is to press the arcade button and search Aiur Chef because that's the mod you are supposed to play. To achieve this portrait which is the best one ever made.

When you have found Aiur Chef mod you press is to come into the game info so you can pick how you want to play this. I will explain it the easiest way.

Pick create private game so you can play by yourself, this way you wont have any other chefs to annoy or sabotage for you. This is the easy way.

 Just play by yourself, you will get the achievement even if you dont have any other players in the game.

You can see that all the ingredients are on the map and if you hover over the ingredients you can see which animal drops it or where it is on the map. This is really easy, takes 20 minutes to do since you cant make the time go down faster.

Hope this helped you out, play safe!

Saturday 29 September 2012

Starcraft 2 portrait

So this will be a short guide on how to get the "Ornatus" portrait. It's the face you have on the nexus when you play protoss.

This is probably the easiest achievement to do, I am just doing this for all the new players since many of the old players know about this. To do this achievement you have to pick arcade.

I will post the pictures below and explain how you do this. Underneath every picture.

 So yeah the portrait you are going for is the one I am using right now. Choose arcade, open games and the pick tug of war. Then you enter game info on Starjeweled and if you wanna play by yourself you pick start private game.

When you have created a game you pick two bots (one in your team and one for the enemy team) pick medium difficulty. You are not supposed to do anything else then healing your bots units so it does not matter what difficulty you want, medium is perfect so pick it.
 If you have played bejeweled or whatever it's called you know the goal. Click on the icons to the right to make them line up to 3 or more and they pop and you get points that you can use for heals later.

 You are supposed to heal the friendly units your bot puts out on the lane. But only use the heals on the "ultralisks" the one in the circle. He is the easiest target to heal since he doesnt lose health too fast. The goal is to heal 3000 during a game, but beware dont push the lanes to hard since your opponent will lose.
Wait until it got like 1/3 health remaining then you pop the heal. The heal ability is the ability with the cross on it. Do not spawn any creeps since you lose your points that you have collected this way. Wait until your bot spawns ultralisks that you can heal, while you wait collect points.

Hope this helped you in the achivement/portrait hunt on starcraft 2. Play safe!

Faceless HL2 Mod

This is probably the coolest mod that will be released 2013. It's a slenderman based game/mod, with better graphics and new maps. This will probably be one of the mods I look forward to the most, since they have not posted any releasedates on hl3 I cant really be excited by that so I have to play these mods to still my hunger for the new half life game.

Friday 28 September 2012

Starcraft II

So far me and my friend have made it to silver haha. We are trying to sort out which tactic is the best and I am trying to use as many hotkeys as possible. But soon we will reach higher levels. Dont know about you, but if you got any good tactics for 2v2 please tell us!

Monday 24 September 2012

Medal Of Honor Allied Assault

So this is the first game of the old game montage, this is my favourite game. I played this so much when it was released. I am totally into the war games. So this game is like all the other war games you get to play during different battles in different countries. The graphics aint that cool anymore, but it isnt the graphics that decides if it's a great game!

Since I will ignore the release of Mist of Pandaria tomorrow I will buy a new keyboard and Starcraft II instead and I will try some tactics to leave the bronze league as fast as possible! I will post my progress here.

So I will add some of the screenshots I took.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Gotham Imposters

This game is really cool, you are either "bats" or "jokerz". Since you have several different game types you dont have to just play team deathmatch even though that's the only thing I found fun so I played it.
But this game is really cool, you can adjust your gears and appearance. A bit overpowered if you have been playing this alot and you start as lvl 1. But you can get kills even though everyone is running around with much better weapons. It's like modern warfare 2, once you get the overpowered weapons you are unstoppable. If you want a free action filled first person shooter game this is a game for you!

I am going to have an old game montage on this blog this weekend so stay tuned!

Link to gotham imposters
Steam link
Official Website link

Screenshots from ingame:

Saturday 15 September 2012

Half Life Black Mesa

This is probably the best remake of a game ever. This is Half Life 1 but with a completely new remake. The graphics are awesome, the story line is somewhat altered but it's so sweet. I am so excited to play this to the finish. It's not like Half Life source, this game is alot better according too me and physics are way better!

For the players who doesnt know what half life is. It's a first person shooter game. You control Gordon Freeman a doctor in theoretical physics. You are moved into a research facility where you are supposed to put a test object (a crystal from an alien planet) into a big laser. But it all goes wrong and the laser starts to teleport aliens into the facility. Small headcrabs that makes the scientists and guards in the facility to aliens/zombies they are being controlled by the headcrabs. Your job is to reach the surface and get help. But on the way you face various monsters and other foes. In different parts of the game you get teleported to the alien planet too.

It's free, and it's half life, the best game ever made.
You can ignite the aliens/zombies or whatever you call them. It's actually really cool to see everyone in new graphics. If you enjoyed Half Life, Half Life 2 and so on this game is going to get you excited too.

I got the biggest nostalgia when I started this game and saw the train that takes you to the research facility. I will post the download link for it below and I hope you guys gets this game 'cause it's awesome. When you put the test object into the laser and everything goes boom the best moment in the game. Have not seen G-man yet though, want too see if he is young too because all the doctors from HL2 are young and it's awesome.

Half Life Black Mesa Download

Screenshots from ingame:

Mist of Pandaria latest patch

Well this patch is indeed sick. They have made the talent system so much cooler, dont know if it's good, just used the 7 days trial to see the changes. They have made the mount and pet tab come back instead of having it under the character tab. But right now this looks kinda cool actually. Would be sweet if they made it buy to play instead of having a monthly payment. Guild Wars 2 could actually make Blizzard do that arrangment since Guild Wars have grown much bigger than anyone ever thought.

But I will throw in a screenshot of the new character customization. I have not been playing for like 8 months so I dont know if it's new but it's so sweet!

Friday 14 September 2012

Silent Escape [HL2 mod]

So this game is a game, where you play shawn or something like that. The goal is to escape with some refugees. But the teleport that is supposed to teleport you destroys or something so you end up in the middle of nowhere.

It's like Half Life 2. Did not get caught up in this game, the story is not anything special. It's almost a complete rip-off from Half Life 2 according too me. You can get the same experience by playing HL2. Not to trash talk it at all, I give credits for the ones who made the voices and so on. Grey is a way better mod since it doesnt have all the things that HL2 got. So if you want a good mod play Grey!

Screenshots from ingame:

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Just heard that blizzard makes wow free to play until Mist of Pandaria releases. Or like 7 days free, I think this is just to get back the players that started with Guild Wars 2 instead, I personally will wait a long time before buying Mist of Pandaria, Have some indie games to review and I will make these reviews to the weekend when I have time to play everything.

Game on fellow gamers! 

Monday 10 September 2012

Mist of Pandaria vs Guild Wars 2

So yea mist of pandaria has not been released yet, but it's like 15 days to the release. But so far guild wars 2 have been giving something World of Warcraft never gave the players and that's variation in the quests. If you enjoy one race you always gets the same quests all over on WoW. But on guild wars 2 you can change the quest lines (the story line) by selecting different options on your character. It's really epic!

So far guild wars 2 have made me wanna skip Mist of Pandaria!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Guild Wars 2

Here are some ingame screenshots, so far this game is so much better than World Of Warcraft! I really enjoy this game, so if you have not bought this you should do it!

The character customization is probably the best one I have ever seen, the graphics are amazing!The amount of options are just too huge!

 Just a random bug!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Guild Wars 2

Just purchased guild wars 2, this game have been selling like crazy! It's been out of stock everywhere in sweden, or some online shops have had it but it's empty all over the shells. Oh well, got an ex today so I will be playing and posting some updates soon!

This looks more tempting than mist of pandaria anyway!

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Slender based game again, this time in a much smaller house with more rooms. This shit is scary as fuck too, but you are getting used to see slenderman atleast so it's quite cool actually.

But try this out if you enjoyed the other slender games.

Link to a download site

Screenshots from ingame:

Grey HL2 mod

This shit is so scary... You are this guy who wakes up and walks around in a house filled with horrors. Then you shift so you are in a bar or restaurant or something like that and everyone is gone. You are trying to solve it, so you head over to the repair shop to see if you can find someone that can help you. The only thing you find there is a note and a key... Did not manage to get the monsters on my screenshots but it's so damn scary!

Play this if you got Half Life 2 and all the episodes 'cause I dont remember for which Half Life 2 this game is for... It's scary atleast!

More games coming up today!

Screenshots from ingame:

Monday 3 September 2012

Day Off

Tomorrow I got the day off so I will post some reviews tomorrow so I can make up for the lack of updates!

Will be everything from vindictus too mods for hl2

Stay tuned now