Saturday 29 September 2012

Starcraft 2 portrait

So this will be a short guide on how to get the "Ornatus" portrait. It's the face you have on the nexus when you play protoss.

This is probably the easiest achievement to do, I am just doing this for all the new players since many of the old players know about this. To do this achievement you have to pick arcade.

I will post the pictures below and explain how you do this. Underneath every picture.

 So yeah the portrait you are going for is the one I am using right now. Choose arcade, open games and the pick tug of war. Then you enter game info on Starjeweled and if you wanna play by yourself you pick start private game.

When you have created a game you pick two bots (one in your team and one for the enemy team) pick medium difficulty. You are not supposed to do anything else then healing your bots units so it does not matter what difficulty you want, medium is perfect so pick it.
 If you have played bejeweled or whatever it's called you know the goal. Click on the icons to the right to make them line up to 3 or more and they pop and you get points that you can use for heals later.

 You are supposed to heal the friendly units your bot puts out on the lane. But only use the heals on the "ultralisks" the one in the circle. He is the easiest target to heal since he doesnt lose health too fast. The goal is to heal 3000 during a game, but beware dont push the lanes to hard since your opponent will lose.
Wait until it got like 1/3 health remaining then you pop the heal. The heal ability is the ability with the cross on it. Do not spawn any creeps since you lose your points that you have collected this way. Wait until your bot spawns ultralisks that you can heal, while you wait collect points.

Hope this helped you in the achivement/portrait hunt on starcraft 2. Play safe!

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