Sunday 24 February 2013

Playstaion 4

So this last week they announced Playstation 4 which is really cool I have been longing to see this announcement. I do not support any of the consoles just for your information I do not like the fan war that exists. All the consoles got both pros and cons the reason why I have chosen to go with the playstation is 'cause I have been playing playstation since they released the first one. I even got the first one right next to me now, but the hardware that Sony chose to put in to the playstation 4 is something I wont go into detail since it's a lot of different things. It's like the playstation 3 only that it's upgraded with new and better hardware. I think that they have reached some sort of peak now though, I do not know how much you can get from the consoles before they start tearing fps or starts to lagg. Battlefield 3 is really good looking on the consoles but you can experience some lagg in it.

Something I really want to see again is the function to play older games on the playstation since you couldn't play Playstation 2 games in the playstation 3. They have not released so much about the components or the actual style that the playstation 4 will have. They have released a full prototype of the ps4 controller though, nothing new there the same old playstation controller with some tweaks. Picture below:
The controller will get a touch pad which is really cool and there will be some sort of a camera thing that will see the controllers movements or something like that. I didn't really catch up on that, but something I really think will be annoying is the "share" button. If you play and you press that button my mistake you will probably get something in the middle of the screen. Hopefully they will have it so you press it down for 3 seconds before anything happens. Overall I really like the new controller, even though it isn't so new.

The console that waits the longest before release will probably have the better hardware and is better optimized. Just look at when xbox360 got released and the red ring of death existed, microsoft lost so much money on this. Playstation 3 were really expensive at the release but is now at the same price of the xbox360 and sony offers you free online gametime. I like both consoles I do not despise anyone of them. The annoying thing with xbox360 it sounds like a jet plane motor when you start it but I enjoy playing both consoles and the graphics are so similar so I do not even know why they have the lens of truth youtube user. This channel just makes all the fan boys go rampage on each others, when someone asks me something like "what console to pick" I always tell them to get the console the friends you want to play with got. If you want the exclusive games then buy both consoles, but since it's worthless to play alone I always tell them to pick the console your friends are using.

This is a fan page made by some fan boys that really likes playstation 4 but they got much information here: Playstaion fan page   The Official sony ps4 website: Playstation 4 Sony

Like I said before I do not support any console more than the other.

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