Wednesday 1 August 2012

Amnesia The Dark Descent

And of course you need Amnesia when you write about indie games. This game is about a man that gets amnesia and wakes up in the middle of a castle or something like that, a manor. Your objective is too remember what you were doing and try to get out of the castle. This is a horror game without weapons so you are kinda screwed if the monsters takes you. This game is really funny and really scary, I have not played penumbra but those who did penumbra are the ones who made Amnesia.

But well yeah this game is really funny, the gameplay is excellent and you get drawn into the story really fast. When you have won the game you can still play custom stories which you download from different pages. But this game is one game you have to play.

When I started playing this game I shut it down after like 20 minutes because I was so scared that something would happen... fucking mental breakdown game. But then I started playing it again and won it, and the ending is really funny because you can choose between 3 different endings.

If you want a good scare play this game!

The rating of this game is 8/10

Amnesia links
Amnesia official website
Amnesia on Steam

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