Saturday 4 August 2012


This is an arena based game, it's Dota with a thirdperson view and you control the champions (gods in this game) with WASD controls and shoots with mouse and uses abilites with 1234. This game is really fun it's currently in closed beta state. You get a couple of gods to pick from and you can buy gems to buy more or you play the game to earn Favor points so you can buy the champions and it goes really fast because you get Favor points from leveling up your account and playing matches.
You can pre-order the game and get all the champions

This game is developed by Hi-Rez studios the ones who made Tribes Ascend which is just a messy multiplayer fps game. But this game is actually one of the best free to play games I have ever played. This is really a game that someone who likes Dota or arena based games should look into.

The other free to play games are currently being played so the reviews will come up tomorrow and so on!

Cool graphics
Nice gods
The gameplay is fantastic

Smiliar to other Dotas

The rating is 8/10 a really funny game, involves much action

Screenshots from ingame:

Smite link
Smite official website

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