Thursday 21 March 2013

Counter Strike: Cs_Assault where do I shoot?

So I have been playing really much Global Offensive recently and me and my friends are always searching for assault since that map is the most fun right now. It's really easy if you know all the tricks on this map, and since you have a minimap you can do some crazy shots through the walls on this map. This is what this post are all about, so lets get this starting, first off I am only doing this to show everyone who calls everyone hackers that if you are just using a bit off your brain you can shoot through the walls and get kills. To get the kills you must first look inside through the glass on top of the roof if you are starting as the "Counter-Terrorists". With these peeks you can either pick them out from there or you can go down and start shooting through the walls.

So first I am going to show you some of the walls I usually shoots through when I start as "Counter-Terrorists". With the help of a minimap this is really easy.

First Place: To be able to shoot here you must either have teammates inside that have spotted the enemy or you peek through the middle glass like the fourth picture and if you see someone go inside they are most likely to stand there for some reason. Same as if I am inside I always shoot through the left side of the door since people are always standing there... Drain a magasine on the left side and you are good to go in. That's my motto. If you shoot where the ladder are standing on the first picture you are shooting on the catwalk and if someone are inside there you can see the blood coming out of the wall. So just keep shooting if that happens.If you are T you can shoot on the ladder from inside and take them out.
Stay frosty and if you want to find out where you can shoot through the walls start a game with a friend and try it out. It's can end up saving games if you know something the enemy doesn't! With the minimap you can go a long way. I will reveal one more place today a place which we recently found out about with the help of the minimap.

You will probably never take anyone down with this but it's fun to injure enemies and it's really effective. Sure you can take someone down but the spray pattern you get from using this, I had the m249 when I tried this on competitive and I did 5 in 1 hit and got hit by the ones outside instead. Since you are standing close to the wall they can just shoot where you are shooting and this is backfiring pretty well, I lost 50 hp and the one outside lost 5 hp. If you are looking on the minimap you can see that the opening at the fences are showing pretty good and this is the way we found out about this.

Hope this helped you in mastering the Cs_assault on Counter Strike Global Offensive and the strongest tool you got in this game is the minimap where you can actually see everything. Use this tool well and it's almost like you are having wallhack for some periods of time because this didn't exist while I played the original Counter Strike and you had to use the sound. So I am relying really much on the minimap. Try this out and you will be chocked by how many you will take down!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

This is the latest game in the game series entitled Counter Strike, this game goes way back and was originally used with the first half life engine so you could say that counter strike are a standalone game made from half life. They made Global Offensive with the latest source engine and it looks really good if you are playing it on the highest graphics. Before Global Offensive was released there were a rumour on the internet that this game were going to have the gameplay of counter strike 1.6 but with better graphics, I must say that if this intention is true then they failed miserably. The game is really funny but it ain't no counter strike 1.6 the way you shoot through things is really bad 'cause it's impossible. The damage from weapons through doors and other objects that you can shoot through are really low so this messes up the game somewhat I think.

I only play competitive right now I haven't played so much public in this game because I like playing with my friends. The matchmaking is pretty messed up though, if you search a game as full party you can end up facing people that ain't a full party who are all random players to each other. It's quite boring when you solo queue and have to face an entire clan.

But anyway the ranking system is cool so I will throw in a picture on how it goes below this:
I am currently playing this game in Swedish just because I like the translations they are really terrible. One more thing though some weapons in this game are so unbalanced it isn't even funny, the p90 SMG is the worst one. I only play with it when the other team goes full p90 because it's pretty annoying to counter an entire team with that SMG with ordinary weapons. But have fun this game is the best multiplayer game out there right now.

Some screenshots from ingame:

Monday 11 March 2013

CryEngine 3

Since I have been playing a lot of warface since I got the closed beta access I looked up CryEngine 3. If you want to use a powerful engine to create your own worlds and games for non-commercial use you can download the full engine for free. I think this sounds pretty neat for people who can use game engines I have tried once and I can not use any engine but if you want to try it out go ahead.

You maybe have an idea for a game then this is a great way to try and make your idea become reality. This is a great way to try your ideas without having to pay for a license, and I mean cryengine 3 is one of the best game engines out there and you get it for free. So you can try it out, I want to but I will probably not achieve anything with it.

CryEngine 3 official website: CryEngine 3

Sunday 10 March 2013


Yeah! I got the warface closed beta a couple of days ago so I tested it for the first time yesterday. This is among the best free to play games I have ever played, there are so many options in this game you can run and slide into the enemies or climb on top of dumpsters and other things with the help of another player. The graphics are really good for being a free to play game but it's build around the cryengine 3 so it's not that weird that it got good graphics.

Either way if you haven't signed up for the closed beta then do so! This is a game I will play a lot of since it's really good. One thing though my friend who uses google chrome can not start this game while I who starts it with firefox can so I think you need firefox to start the plugin. Yeah you start this game through the browser and when you have joined a game it starts in fullscreen so it's cool.

Sign up link: Warface Sign Up

Some screenshots:

Friday 8 March 2013

My Favourite Game

My favourite game is probably Metro 2033 because of the awesome story as well as the different environments you get to play in, the graphics are really good too.

I have already made a "review" on this game but since that was a while ago I decided to make a new one. It's about Artyom a russian living down in the metro after the nuclear war that brought this world into a apocalypse, you get a job from Hunter too seek a person up in a different station in the metro. People are living in the metro since that's the only place where the radioactivity hasn't spread as much as outside. During this journey you experiences everything bad that exists down in the tunnels, how people are still killing each and other over ideology even though mankind got a common enemy the mutants from outside. You meet friendly persons that helps you throughout the game and it's a really cool game I made this review mostly because the Metro Last Light game is coming in may. Many of my friends haven't even played through this game and I don't know why actually since it's probably one of the best games out there.

If you seek a good first person shooter with a great campaign this is surely the game for you.

Fun fact the Metro games are actually inspired by the books that the russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky wrote. I haven't read the books, but I think the game got more famous then the book for some reason.

Some screenshots:

Thursday 7 March 2013

Cerwin Vega Xd3

So this time it's all about the speakers the speakers I got are the Cerwin Vega Xd3 for 100€. I got these speakers 'cause I wanted really good sound for my computer but not for a crazy amount of money. So these speakers fit my preferences really well, I really like the style they got to they look really nice on the computer desk or wherever you are going to put them.

So these speakers got a really fine sound quality for the price you pay, it got pros and cons but mostly pros. The overall sound quality is really good they produce a clear sound with lots of bass if you turn the bass booster (vega Bass) button on which can be found the backside of the left speaker at the same place you can find the on/off button which isn't perhaps the best place to have that button. I haven't tried the speakers out at max volume I have only been at roughly 1/3 of the max volume at the most. I usually have it set at below 1/4 but even at the low volume they produce really good sound with good bass.

I really enjoy these speakers, if you want a pair of good speakers for a good price these are surely the speakers for you. I have been comparing these speakers with some 2.1 systems and I think these speakers produce better sound for the price the 2.1 systems got.

Check them out on the official website: Cerwin Vega Xd3

Some pictures:

Tuesday 5 March 2013


So just recently I tried out a new free software that allows you to create really nice pictures. I have been using GIMP up until now but inkscape is so much better and easier, at least according to me. I think you lose much of the resolution when you are done with the pictures on gimp only a few pictures I made from scratch have been having decent resolution. Probably just me being bad at gimp but however Inkscape is something you should try out if you want to create pictures with good quality.

Inkscapes official website: Inkscape