Thursday 7 March 2013

Cerwin Vega Xd3

So this time it's all about the speakers the speakers I got are the Cerwin Vega Xd3 for 100€. I got these speakers 'cause I wanted really good sound for my computer but not for a crazy amount of money. So these speakers fit my preferences really well, I really like the style they got to they look really nice on the computer desk or wherever you are going to put them.

So these speakers got a really fine sound quality for the price you pay, it got pros and cons but mostly pros. The overall sound quality is really good they produce a clear sound with lots of bass if you turn the bass booster (vega Bass) button on which can be found the backside of the left speaker at the same place you can find the on/off button which isn't perhaps the best place to have that button. I haven't tried the speakers out at max volume I have only been at roughly 1/3 of the max volume at the most. I usually have it set at below 1/4 but even at the low volume they produce really good sound with good bass.

I really enjoy these speakers, if you want a pair of good speakers for a good price these are surely the speakers for you. I have been comparing these speakers with some 2.1 systems and I think these speakers produce better sound for the price the 2.1 systems got.

Check them out on the official website: Cerwin Vega Xd3

Some pictures:

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