Friday 1 March 2013

Eizo Foris FS2331

So I thought that it's time for some tech reviews instead of the typical games. I have an idea I want to do and that is to play through a game while I update throughout the entire game.

But the tech of the day is the LCD HD screen Eizo Foris FS2331, Eizo is a well-known company that manufacturers screens for offices. They are pretty new to this type of screens, but this screen is really good for the price it got. I bought it for around 200€ I think it was less but that doesn't matter, the screen is 23" HD screen with plenty of features but the screen also lacks some things.

The good thing with the screen is the way you adjust the screen, you get a remote with the screen and with this remote you adjust everything. You can have different users for different types of usage of the screen, I think this unlocks many features since I use this screen for my ps3 too because this screen is made for gaming while my TV is not made for gaming. It got a headphone jack and it got a couple of HDMI jacks (2 of them to be precise) and one DVI. Thanks to the headphone jack I can use the HDMI audio from my ps3 and use my stereo with line in from the screen. The speakers on the screen is really worthless it's like playing something inside of a can, but thanks to the headphone jack you can use other speakers with line in.

Some negative things is the lack of making the screen change the angle you can only tilt some degrees up and down. You can not make the screen go up or down which I do not find annoying since my other screens have been exactly the same. The lack of USB hub inside the screen is also lacking but since my pc case got USB ports on the front I can easily use it that way. But if they added some ergonomics and the USB ports on the screen it would be more optimal.

But I have not noticed anything bad with this screen in games or while viewing pictures so it's really good screen for the price tag it got. I will post a review on my speakers, keyboard, mouse and headset tomorrow. Perhaps not all of them at the same time.

But this is a really good screen and I am really happy that I bought this instead of all the other screens I have been checking out.

Eizo official website: Eizo Foris FS2331 site

Some pictures on the screen.

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