Friday 25 January 2013

Dead Space 2

So I played this a while ago but since the 3rd game in the Dead Space series is coming in February I thought well lets spread the word for those who haven't played the first two games. After playing the second game I find the second game to be a lot more PC friendly, when you tried to aim on Dead Space 1 you could feel that it's not meant for the PC. Dead Space 2 is the best horror game I have played, it's not just scary there are some puzzles you have to solve to get further and further into the infested planet. It's a third person shooter, something they should add is the option to bring it down to a first person shooter, that would have been really cool not that's something that would make the game better it would just be a cool feature. I must say that I think this game is a lot more bloody than Dead Space 1, and I like that you have mixed enemies both humans and infested. I found it a bit boring to just fight monsters.

Dead Space 2 is taking place after you have gotten back from the Ishimura the mining ship the marker first did it's dirty work and started the infestation. Isaac is now placed at a mental hospital where he helped them to build a new marker on a planet. You get rescued from your strain jacket and now have to save an entire planet from being infested. Nicole, Isaac's girlfriend from the first game appears on your way to the marker. Something new with this game is that you can find blueprints for your suit so it's not like the first game where you have the same suit throughout the entire game. Sure you could upgrade it, you can still upgrade the suits with nodes you find, these nodes can be used on workbenches to upgrade weapons, suits and the stasis. There are a lot of new monsters and weapons for you to explore and use.

Something new in this game is that it offers you to play multiplayer something you dont have in the first game and in Dead Space 3 they even unlock a co-op option. So dead space 3 is something that I will get just because of the co-op option. Question is if I should buy it to console or PC, well it's some days before the release so I have time to decide it. I don't know about the story in Dead Space 3 I only know you are supposed to enter the planet where the marker and the infestation started, I don't know if you have to play the second and first game to understand the entire story. They had actually added an option in Dead Space 2 where you can see what has happened in the first game. Perhaps they will add that option in Dead Space 3. But I think if you are looking for a really well made horror game this game series is something for you!

Some Screenshots from ingame:

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