Thursday 24 January 2013

Star Wars The Old Republic

Some months ago I wrote about the announcement that Bioware did on their MMORPG "star wars the old republic. This game went free to play up to level 50 and soon there will be a digital expansion so you get a level cap on 55 instead. But I decided to try this game out and see if it's any good. So here it comes my first impression on Star Wars The Old Republic. I cant do a completely objective first impression since I have been playing different mmorpgs and enjoyed some and hated others.

So the first thing I just have to point out is that the cinematic in Star Wars The Old Republic are really good in this game despite the less good trailer I saw for the free to play option. The reason I took this up is because I think all MMOrpgs need a good opening cinematic and they truly scored. Something I have never seen in an mmo is the detailed intro that you get when you started a class. I only tried the siths because I mean come on who doesn't want to do Darth Mauls kid or something like that.

That brings me in to the second opinion the customization, it's really good actually you get alot of content even though I have the free to play version. I couldn't be one race that's all. Everything else was unlocked for me. The different classes are also cool, everything is preset and you cant tweak anything on your own this is something even the most popular mmo lack, "World Of Warcraft". I think they could actually add more tweaking in the customization so you can run around with a somewhat unique character. But overall the customization is cool with lots of options.

Third opinion is the gameplay, which I found a bit boring actually. But the graphics and the cinematic you get at every quest are quite cool but a bit annoying too. It's being an interactive gameplay when you pickup quests and so on. It's really annoying, sure it makes you understand more about the story but I think they should have the accept and decline only and you can read the rest on your own. Because of this interactive quest taking I ran around for a while at the start, because the opening is a cinematic which you have to watch if you do not press "space". Something I didn't know and pressed on the mouse a couple of times so it took some time before I could play. Something I am disappointed on is the fact that you start with a light stick. I made a sith because I wanted to have a lightsaber, I mean all other mmos make you start with a decent weapon, warriors doesn't start with three sticks on all games. Overall the quests and combat system is really good, could have been cooler with more of a hack n' slash game that's the only thing I could have wanted not the click and press system that most of the mmos use.

If you want a free to play game with high standards then this is a game that you should play. I warmly recommend this if you want a new mmorpg to play. Star Wars The Old Republic is a good game.

Star Wars The Old Republic (click-able link)

Some Screenshots from ingame:


  1. It's a good game but it can get boring over time, I played it for a few weeks and got bored, good review though :)

  2. Yeah I totally agree with you, a little sad that they made it free to play though. It's so hard to compete in the mmorpg genre since world of warcraft is so popular.

    And thank you!
