Friday 18 January 2013

Max Payne

So yeah I bought Max Payne 3 for my ps3 so it wont be any screenshots or anything. The reasons why I bought it so late is because I thought the only used the name Max Payne on the game so they could use the bullet time. So my first impression of this game was that it's a bit too happy and I missed the old dark max payne. They way you play in the first and second game, they are way more cold at the start. The further I got into the game the more of the old Max Payne got back and I started  enjoying this game to the full extent. Especially when you get to play the history behind why Max Payne is being a bodyguard in Brazil. It's a very good game from rockstar games and it's really well made something I did'nt expect when I bought it.

The best part in the entire game is probably the easter egg where you can play "The Fall of Max Payne" soundtrack on the piano. That totally woke the nostalgia from the other games, now I just want them to make a Max Payne 4.

If you havent played the first two games I strongly recommend you to do it before getting Max Payne 3, since the story in Max Payne 3 is what happens after the two first games, which surprised me. Thought it would be a game that did'nt have any meaning behind. Sure the Max Payne is acting like he is from a GTA game, and it's not like the original games where he doesnt swear so much. But I think they still did a very good job. Would be if Remedy Entertainment (the original makers of the Max Payne series) did Max Payne 3 so you could see how they would have done him. If they would have made Max stay in New York and fight the mob or if the is somewhere else in the world.

But still Max Payne 3 is definitely worth playing. In my opinion.

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