Monday 21 January 2013

PAYDAY the heist

I bought this game, PAYDAY the heist a couple of months ago. Seemed like a nice game, I always want to play as the "bad" guy in the games. It's so boring to always be the one who brings evil down, this time I wanted a game where I could do evil. So me and a couple of friends ended up buying this game.

In this game you play as one out of four robbers, the goal with the game is to level up your character and clear the different levels on different difficulties. According to me this game really lacks one of the most important things, the amount of robberies you can pull off is too low. They really need to add more maps. Sure there are secrets on some maps and some easter eggs on different levels. Like the fact that you can have masks looking like the different special infected from Left 4 dead 2. This game is somewhat fun when you are 4 persons speaking and playing at the same time, but it gets boring really quickly. So I think they should add more maps to this game so you can enjoy and have fun for a longer period of time. While you are trying to pull of the different heists you get assaulted by police waves. Special forces with different abilities, so if you want the heist to work out perfectly you really have to work as a team, which makes this a real fun coop game but if it had more maps and a way to customize weapons, masks or anything else that you could use in the game would be really cool.

But if you want a game that you and some friends want to play this is definitely a game for you. My first impression of this game is positive but when you have played the different "heists" you get bored by them. I do not know if I can recommend this game but if you are bored and want something to play this can be fun. It lacks maps though but sure if they started patching or started making some ways for you to play as cops while others played as the robbers. I miss something like that, I want more then just coop. Some sort of player vs player not just player vs AI.

PAYDAY the heist on steam

Screenshots from ingame:

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