Saturday 19 January 2013

Orcs Must Die 2

So yeah, this game is a defence game where you are supposed to defend against orcs, trolls and other story monsters. You got traps to help you with this and other weapons you can wield. Well this is different from the first Orcs Must Die this game got a co-op mode where you and one more can play and build traps to kill of the waves of orcs. This game is alot of fun if you are a friend are bored and want something to do. Slaying orcs is always fun, with every level you get skulls by how good you clear the waves. These skulls will help you in the way that they are used as upgrade costs. If you have some spare money over and want a great co-op. I didnt play orcs must die the first game because I think it's quite boring to play a defence game by yourself. You get two characters that you can choose between, you can also unlock costumes with the skulls you receive at the end of the level or by completing the game. Same with weapons and traps you can either unlock them with skulls or you get some new weapons and traps when you win some of the maps. You cant unlock them all with skulls nor by winning the levels. That combination is the best I think, because it's not too easy that way.

Orcs Must Die 2 Steam Link

Some screenshots

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