Tuesday 31 July 2012


So this game is called Bastion, it's probably one of the more famous ones. This game is about a boy that ends up on a floating rock. Everywhere you go the rocks floats up and makes you a path. It's about this city called Bastion and your objective is to restore this city by finding cores that you put on a special pedestal.

After you have put a core on the pedestal you get to choose what to build next. You can also do challenges with different weapons too unlock new abilites and new materials so you can upgrade your weapons. This game is really cool and the graphics are so smooth that this games makes perfection. It's a fun gameplay and an awesome voice that tells you stuff.

So if you are interested in indie games this is really one that you should look into!
During the steam summer sale this was among the most bought games. So I am supposed people must think it's funny.

Rating of this game is a clear 9/10 such an epic game.

Bastion links
Bastion official website
Bastion on steam

Sunday 29 July 2012

Dead Space

These games are so awesome, you are Isaac Clarke that comes to a mining ship. Now your only way out is to fight against hostile, ugly monsters called "Necromorphs". Your girlfriend Nicole worked there too so you are there to save here to. The game is so funny and the ones who already have played it know that the secret in the game  is quite funny. You can upgrade your suit in dockstations or something like that in the same station you can also buy ammunition, weapons, energy packs and other things. I like how it's a puzzle and action game which is really awesome. You can also upgrade your items in workbenches with special caps that you find.

This game is excellent, its a perfect horror/action game and as the punchline in Alien "In space no on can hear you scream" it fits perfectly in this game. Well this game is really funny. They have announced a Dead Space 3!

Good story

The gameplay it's really hard to control Isaac with a keyboard and mouse

Dead space website:
Dead Space
Dead Space on steam
Dead Space 2 on steam

Friday 27 July 2012

Zeno Clash

Now there will be an indie game week, just finished zeno clash it's a first person shooter/fighter game it's so ridiculous that it's funny as hell. You are this guy that wakes up after defeating the father-mother. Then hell breaks lose and all the sister and brothers from father-mother starts chasing you. The story of the game is too see what happened before you killed father-mother and the story is quite interesting and good! The fights are really fun, hack n' slash except first person view. Really cool and the second zeno clash will have co/op which sounds very cool. The fighting is really cool you can fight and shoot with guns. It's neither to hard nor to easy which makes this game really funny since you can almost relax throughout the entire game.

I cannot compare this game with any other because it's kinda unique for me at least. The only negative thing I could find is that the story is short. But as I said the second game is coming soon!
Check this game up this is among the better indie games I have played, but there will only be reviews on indie games this week so tune in for more!
Good fights
Cool story
Cool graphics

Short story

Rating 8/10

Link to steam:
Zeno Clash

Thursday 26 July 2012

Metro 2033

Now since the release of the second metro is close I though hey lets review the past game.
I think this is a great game, you are in Moscow in the metro below ground since there has been several nuke bombings all around the world. Your objective is too save the humanity or the people in Moscow. Well you are doing this by going further into the metro to a radiostation or something like that. One the way you fight against several different creatures that have been modified by the radiation. It's a scary and good first person shooter game.

The bad thing with this game is that it doesnt run as smooth as it should do on PC and that is because they just converted it to PC from the xbox360 game. But this game is really funny and gave me a long time to enjoy the game. Right now I am looking forward too the new metro, I think the games are bigger than the books though a bit sad for the author of the books but it's famous atleast.

Good graphics
Good story
Cool environment
Awesome gameplay

The bad version for the PC

Steam link:
Metro 2033

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Fallout 3

Well lets see an old goody, the first games are pre apocalyptic games this game follows the line. It's a rpg game a really funny game actually, you are in this vault 101 which has not been opened for years. You and your father are living in this colony you are a something and your father is a doctor. But one day he escapes, on unknown reasons since I have not reached the end yet. So you are playing in Washington DC, a destroyed DC. It's so big and you can do so much things. Explore do quests as you like. You get really hooked to the game once you play it!

This is way better than the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games according to me, I have not been able to play them at all, I dont know why. They are both RPG first person shooters/third person shooters. Fallout is a really solid game, loots of weapons a cool environment.

One thing though that is for the ones with the ps3 dont buy games from Bethesda Game Studios, since they seems to stop working from time to time. I have not tried it for my ps3 so I have not experienced it but it has been said that they doesnt work so well.

many weapons

You have to walk before you can teleport to locations
No sprint
No veichles so far

Rating 8/10

Steam link:
Fallout 3

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Garshasp: The Monster Slayer

This is an indie hack n' slash game, it's a pretty unknown game I think. It's made with a small budget, but this game got so much potential. It's a combination between god of war and prince of persia.

You are Garshasp, the name comes from a myth a man named Garshasp in Persian mythology a monster slayer. Garshasp in the game comes from a small village, in a land invaded by monsters and other evil things. Well I have not played the entire game but the story is about a demon that kills your brother and takes a mace that is valuable in some way. You are both after vengeance and that mace, you have to solve puzzles while fighting the monsters.

It's a bit lame because you can use the grab ability you got to instant kill smaller monster, it's the same button as you execute the bigger enemies with. I like the combo in which you have to press to execute the bigger enemies, it's not necessary on the smaller monsters you can just press it and they dies. But I think the game so far is pretty good for a low budget game, I have my hopes low before I played this game but it's actually funny. I miss a co/op mode for it though, that would have been very cool.

Overall this game is worth playing. But it's a pain in the ass to startup the first time, since if you are playing on a windows7 computer you have to download internet explorer flashplayer and go into a file on your computer and find a specific flash file. Which you put into the Garshasp game file, it's complicated. But if you have bought this game I can gladly help you out.

The environment

The camerasystem is worthless, it's a locked camera that moves in an extremely weird way. But you get used to it!
Combat, every combat looks the same

Rating 6/10

Steam Link below
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer

Monday 23 July 2012

Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II Retribution

So yeah, warhammer is probably the most awesome models out there. I used to build high elves, so awesome to sit down and glue parts togheter. Well this is a strategy game you can pick among 6 factions and play a campaign with all of them. I have only played as Chaos Marine, and I think this game is the best warhammer game I have ever played.

I cant tell what the story is about since it differs from every faction which is cool! There are so many hours of playtime in this game and I like that since I hate when a game can be won on one day, I am that kind of person though, I have to win the game when I have started playing it the same day if possible.

But this game is really funny if you like strategy games, I have not tried it multiplayer yet but I will soon, and one cool feature in this game as in the others too is that you can dye/paint your own army you can pick from a color tablet which colors you like the most. This makes the game so much better according too me since when you have put the real warhammer togheter you can always paint them in any color you like.

But this game is great.

Multiple stories
Long playtime
Good strategy game

Graphics could have been better
You cant speed time up
They walk slow

Steam site
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II Retribution

Sunday 22 July 2012

Universe Sandbox

So yeah if you like to play god, or some dude with mighty powers that can controll the universe and create on. This game is the right game for you.
It's a simulator game sort of, you can build your own universe and change planets mass, send meteors and yeah create supernovas. You can do as you please, destroy everything if you want to, this game is kind of cool.The planets looks like they should. It's very sweet!

But it's cool so if you like games were you create stuff this is very fun. It's like garrys mod only that garrys mod is a bit more fun.

But over all this game is kinda cool, and I will be posting some videos soon just have too find a game that is fun to record.

Rating 7/10

Universe Sandbox link.
Universe Sandbox
Universe Sandbox steam store

Saturday 21 July 2012


Just saw this on the sale and I rembered that I got this for my ps3.
I bought this game because I wanted too see if it actually was as brutal as the reviews had told me. It isnt that brutal, but it is alot of fun!
You get thrown into the life of Grayson Hunt an army guy or something like that, and his companion a cyborg, well he wasnt a cyborg at first but he got repaired into one. Oh well, this game got a unique way of killing enemies you can lash them too you and kill them almost in which way you want. You get score for the different ways you kill them in, and after you have lashed an enemy they fly towards you in slow motion so you can really kill them in the way you want too.
I havent played this game for PC but I think it's a great console game, I had so much fun when I played this.

If you havent checked this out at all you should check it out! It's alot of fun!

Funny story
Many ways of killing things

A bit short

Rating: 9/10

Steam store page:

Friday 20 July 2012


So yeah this is the third game in the series titled F.E.A.R and I enjoyed the other games really much so I decided to try this out while it was almost for free on steam.

At the beginning I got the feeling that I were playing call of duty or some game like that. Since of the perk, level up thing they got F3AR even though later in the game it became more like the original fear more dark and scary when you enter an old town that is controlled by lunatics. Almost like the lunatics in FEAR 2 project origin when you fight in the asylum.  It's still about alma (the little girl och big girl) and you get to find out some more interesting things about the events in the first game. That's why I played the first before the third. Everything that was left untouched by fear 1 and 2 is now falling to place and everything that you did not understand is now clear as water!

And of course this game also got the railgun like all the other games, the most fun weapon of them all. Every game should have a railgun or something similar, Half Life got the crossbow, the darkness II got the option to impale people with long pipes.

But I think F3AR is actually a good game in the series. Cant say it's as good as the Half-Life series but nothing can compare to those games! But this game is totally worth playing have only played as the point man so far. And I have not tried the Co/op mode yet neither but it's a cool game.

Darkness II was way better though, according to me

Rating is 7/10

Good graphics
Good story

Could have been longer

Link to the game:
F.E.A.R 3

Thursday 19 July 2012

The Darkness II

So this game is bought during the steam summer sale too!
This is probably one of the most brutal games I have ever played, you are the host of the darkness. I think it's based from a comic called Darkness. You are playing as Jackie a mob boss or something like that. You have been holding the darkness inside you, or atleast you tried to. At the start you get attacked by some organisation, cult or something. That's when you releases the darkness you get badly hurt and it's your only way of survival since the darkness cant let the host die.
Is about hunting the organisation down, it's called "the brotherhood" and controlling the darkness. You get random flashbacks from your girlfriend sometimes, you saw when they murdered her. And you get some flashbacks when you are at a mentalhospital. The goal is to save your girlfriend from the darkness.
I think this game is awesome, you can kill people in so many different ways. Execute with your demon arms, eat their hearts for health.... the different executions got different boosts like on gives you health and one increases the ammo loot and so on.

The graphics are a bit like borderlands but better, but since I didnt like borderlands I had a tough start with this game, since the are both published by 2k games, but they dont have the same developers which is very good because I did not enjoy borderlands at all!

The combat
Different executions
You get to give your character the talents you want
the story is amazing, even though I havent read the comic

The graphics looks like borderlands, but it's pretty neat! So it's more of a pro than a con but it ends up here anyway.
A bit short but it's a cool game anyhow!

Rating: 10/10 really good story!

Links to the steampage
The Darkness II

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Well just finished F.E.A.R have played the second game but not the first. So during the summer sale on steam I bought the first and third F.E.A.R. and I just finished the first one, I began with the first since I heard that the second game is less scary than the first. So I decided to find out, I think the second one is a bit scarier, since it's more dark and you get to fight against scarier enemies. If you have played it, you must know about the facility where the crazy people escaped in and yeah, you have to fight against them in a dark area.
Well I think the second one is the scariest of the two I have played so far I will play the third some day.
But if you want a good scare you should play amnesia the dark crescent. I think everyone know about that game, but it's the scariest game I have ever played. It's because you cant fight the enemies you have to hide or run.

Stay tuned if you wanna see more reviews on F.E.A.R. There will be other reviews too, and they will come soon!

Links to steam.
F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin
F.E.A.R 3

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Steam Summer Sale

Just bought some games from the sale and I will play them as soon as I can, and post 2-3 reviews! So stay tuned if you wanna se reviews from great new games!

If I can recommend some games on sale it would be metro 2033 it out for 2,49€.

If you havent checked the steam summer sale out yet, do it!
Steam store

Monday 16 July 2012

Hack n' Slash

So which game will take over Diablo III since diablo is totally dead right now. Not really totally but almost everyone I know who played it doesnt play it anymore.
So which game will take it's spot? will it be torchlight II by perfect world? or will it be Vindictus by nexon? Or dragon nest by nexon or what do you think?

I personally think if vindictus had more ads, they could grow really big because Vindictus is so much fun! I had more fun with Vindictus than what I had when I played 1-60 on diablo III. Vindictus is quite challenging and easy at the same time. Depends on how you play.

Dont know anything about torchlight since I did not play it when it first came out. But with the multiplayer on torchlight II I think they could reach more people than blizzard did with diablo III. But I bought torchlight I during the steam summer sale so I will try it out and ge an opinion!
One of my friends is all excited about torchlight II since the multiplayer so something good must have been done on torchlight I!

But go and try all games out! Most of them are free, not torchlight you can pre-purchase it on steam or on perfect worlds website. But I will link to steam.

Links here:
Torchlight II


I was watching steam summer sale now, and I found oddworld. That game is probably one of the first games I played on my play station 1 that and MediEvil brings back the memories of being a kid, those games are probably the best games ever made for the play station 1!  Remember that I used to think oddworld was so scary!

Cant see why they didnt make more games like the first oddworld, they were super funny! If you get a play station emulator you can enjoy them even if you dont have the play station 1 console. I do but it's so boring to plug it into my tv. Oh well, but check the steam summer sale out! games for like 0,80€ and up to 50€.
Everything from 0-75% off from most games, if you havent taken a loot you should! You may find something you didnt know that it still existed, like I found Oddworld!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Tribes Ascend

So this is a fairly new free to play, first person shooter game. I remember the first tribes they were quite funny, great idea with the veichles and weapons and so on. But it's the same game but with better graphics and it's so messy when you play online it's not that funny, I played it on closed beta havent played it since but I did not enjoy it one bit! But it looks a bit like halo so if you enjoy halo online you may like this.

I can give it that the graphics are kinda cool, but that's the only thing I like with it.

The only good free to play first person shooter game I have played is Blacklight retribution and Alliance of valiant arms or what it's called!


Gameplay, it stinks according to me
They need new ideas looks just like the first tribes except the graphics

The rating is a 3/10 not my type of game

Click on the text below to get to the sites!
Tribes Ascend official website
Tribes Ascend on Steam


I am going to try and put up some videos on youtube, I found this excellent free software called virtualDub it's kinda cool you can make fraps videos smaller and yeah, you can compress them and play with videos. It's very good for a free software.

The download link is here: VirtualDub

I recommend this if you are just gonna try some video compression programs, there are other softwares that you have to pay for but is really good one is sony vegas and I know this works excellent 'cause my friends uses this!

Saturday 14 July 2012

Enviro-Bear 2000

If you are really bored I suggest you download the best free game ever, it's so funny... or is it? Well Enviro-Bear 2000 is a really fun game! You are this bear who drives a car and your object is so store up food before the timer reach it's end, or something like that. When you are fully fed up you go into a cave with your car to hibernate

Check it up!
Download: Enviro-Bear 2000

Or you just download steam and download alien swarm or blacklight retribution.

Thursday 12 July 2012

My top 5 rpg games

So these are my favorite rpg games, some of them are probably not counted as rpg but nevermind about that!

1. Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning
2. Fable the lost chapters
3. Deus Ex Human Revolution
4. Kingdom Hearts
5. Final Fantasy

My top 5 action games

So yeah these games are my favorite action games both first person shooters and third person shooters.

1. Half Life 1 and 2 (all episodes)
2. Red Faction: Armageddon
3. Singularity
4. Metro 2033
5. Darksiders

Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning

I am not done with the game, but it's a rpg (role-playing game) game. It looks just like fable but it's so much more fun than fable. Up until now fable the lost chapters was my favorite rpg game but Reckoning beats it so hard.

You get to pick the character you play with and customize her or him, then when you are done you get too see a cutscene where your body gets dumped. When you wake up the tower you are in is under siege and you meet a gnome and you get to fight your way out of the tower. Before you leave the tower you meet a gnome, an old friend or something.

When you leave the tower you meet a guy that can see into the future and after you have talked too him you get ambushed by some rogues and you get your chance to use your special powers. And the futureteller cant really see into your fate because you dont have one.

After this it's just to go around doing side quests or doing the main quest (probably the story line)

But yeah I havent played it so much but so far this is probably the most epic game ever made! It's really cool made and you get new attacks as you level and they are awesome, you can choose between rogue, warrior or sorcerer.
Play this game! It's totally worth all the time you spend on it!

Rating: 10/10

Tuesday 10 July 2012


Games all the gamers should have played according to me, right me if I am wrong but one game that everyone should have played is Half-Life, probably the best game ever made. Almost everyone know about the game and know about Gordon Freeman.
Another game is a game from the Final-Fantasy series, probably one of the most well known series in the world. Looking forward for the new release later this year.
Kingdom Hearts is also a classic game, probably one of the coolest ps2 games ever made, perfect story and yeah if you have grown up with disney characters you wont be disappointed.

These are some classic games according to me, but I can be wrong I mean there are so many classic games. You can just take all the mario games, zelda, castlevania or any other nintendo game... those are the real classic games. Just the music from the old nintendo games awakens nostalgia..

Tell me what games you think are the classic ones!

Top 5 upcoming games

So these are the games I have been waiting for! it's for both ps3 and PC

1. Darksiders II
2. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
3. Assassins creed III
4. Far Cry 3
5. Aliens: Colonial Marines

Just cant wait for the releases! Darksiders II is going to be so awesome.

Metal Gear Solid

Soon they will release the latest Metal Gear Solid game and it looks so awesome. The name is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, you will be playing as Raiden. It looks so awesome,you should seriously look it up if you have played Metal gear before!

Metal Gear Solid sure brings back memories, the first one in the series is so good!! It's a super game, if you havent played anyone play the first it's the funniest according to me. It's hard to play it in the operation systems that exists today, they are too good for the game. But I have searched and you can play it. I think if you have an emulator you can play it through a playstation emulator.

But it's still among the best games ever made! So if you havent played it, play it!


Well yeah everyone knows about this game but, shortly. Create anything you want, mine through the world to be able to create more, find minerals and rock to create items and build your world. Anyhow nothing is complete if it doesnt have some Final Fantasy pictures so here you go:


This is the only thing I used mine craft for, making figures from games.

Only tip I can give is that if you are playing minecraft use techniclauncher it got so many mods in it, it's way better to have all mods in one place than on several different, or having to download them. Just download and play with your minecraft account.


Let's enter the indie games genre. This game is just awesome! You are a wizard that have to save the world from a dangerous wizard.  And you get thrown into a strange world, where you can destroy anything or anyone friend or foe. It's a nice game!

You can combine several elements to make new attacks, you unlock spells by finding books and proceeding through the game. This is an excellent co/op game, but beware you can destroy your friend easily if you fire the spells in the wrong direction!
But that's just some of the charm with this game it's so free, and if you are from the scandinavia area you can hear that the words they are speaking sounds alot like swedish. Just a little fun fact.

But this game is super funny and there are several downloable contents for this game so it's like playing a new game. But yeah this is quite famous already but the ones who havent played it should play it now!

The rating is a clear 9/10 it's really funny.

Check it out on the steam website:

Monday 9 July 2012

Red Faction: Armageddon

So yeah this game is just awesome, probably one of the best games I have played. It's almost as good as the half-life series. But yeah you get thrown into a battle on mars for a facility with a terraform core in it.

At first it's cool you just fight against humans, but after a mission you accidently awakes what is lying in rest inside the planet. Now you fight against both humans and aliens. Your goal is to save the planet and everyone on it. You are inside mine shafts alot since mars is an old mining colony and the aliens moves inside the shafts.

You are playing as Darius Mason, a member of the red faction army the army that used to be the rebel army but are now the regular army. The rebel army now is the cultists.
This is surely a great game with LOTS of action. and you can almost destroy anything in the game and then repair it again and destroy it again. You notice that the developers "volition, Inc." have worked hard on this game, even though it aint that famous I can put this in my top 5 favorite games.

This is a 10/10 it's an excellent game with tons of action, it's super funny!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Alien Swarm

This is probably one of the most popular free to play co/op games out on the market. It's exactly what it sounds like, you play against aliens that swarms in. You are supposed to take yourself from point A to point B without getting killed. You can weld doors togheter to make the aliens stay outside for a while. I think this game is excellent it's a perfect co/op game it's on steam and it's free! So if you are sitting with a couple of friends on skype or if you are at their place playing a game this is absolutly a game I would recommend! You can play solo too but it's way more fun to play co/op. So if you havent played this game so far, do it! It's totally worth the waiting, and it's free!

Check it up on the link below the picture
The rating is 9/10

Dead Island

This is a typical zombie apocalypse game, you are a survivor, you do quests to proceed further into the game. The quests are everything from saving other people to collect gasoline for cars and so on!
I have only played this game in singleplayer mode and not in the co/op mode and I have not even completed the game, because I thought it was really crappy. I dont know if it's because I have only played the singleplayer or if it's just bad.
Sure it could be fun to play co/op but I dont think so, there are so many other good zombie killing co/op games like killing floor and resident evil so if you like killing zombies I suggest you look up killing floor instead, or any other game!

The rating of this game is 3/10

Star wars the force unleashed 2

I have read much about this game and they havent rated this game so high so I though why not test it?
It's a pretty good hack n' slash game sure the takedowns you have in this game is a bit boring since they are the same everytime depending on the enemy, which is kinda boring. It was fun according to me. You are this jedi who works for darth vader or gets used by him and you are told you are a clone of the original "starkiller" but you break free and escapes vaders hold. And saves your old general and now you are after revenge.
It's a really fun game actually, I have played a couple of star wars games and this is one of the funnier ones!
It's totally worth to check up if you like them hack n' slash games!
The rating of this game is 6/10

Wednesday 4 July 2012


Now since darksiders 2 is coming this summer. I thought everyone who doesnt know what darksiders is could get some quick information.

Darksiders is a hack n' slash game one of the best games I have ever played actually, you play as one of the four horsemen, the one that stands for war. It's a third person game, you get involved with puzzles and all kinds of difficult tasks that you have solve. You collect souls to get upgrades for your abilites and weapons. It's really cool and it got many ways of killing the enemies, you can combo your attacks into several different attacks. The executes are also really cool... So if you havent played darksiders I suggest you do!

I will buy Darksiders 2 when it comes out, looks really cool and you play as death and not war which is kinda cool! Cant wait to see what it looks like.

If you could rate Darksiders it's a 9/10