Wednesday 4 July 2012


Now since darksiders 2 is coming this summer. I thought everyone who doesnt know what darksiders is could get some quick information.

Darksiders is a hack n' slash game one of the best games I have ever played actually, you play as one of the four horsemen, the one that stands for war. It's a third person game, you get involved with puzzles and all kinds of difficult tasks that you have solve. You collect souls to get upgrades for your abilites and weapons. It's really cool and it got many ways of killing the enemies, you can combo your attacks into several different attacks. The executes are also really cool... So if you havent played darksiders I suggest you do!

I will buy Darksiders 2 when it comes out, looks really cool and you play as death and not war which is kinda cool! Cant wait to see what it looks like.

If you could rate Darksiders it's a 9/10

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