Wednesday 18 July 2012


Well just finished F.E.A.R have played the second game but not the first. So during the summer sale on steam I bought the first and third F.E.A.R. and I just finished the first one, I began with the first since I heard that the second game is less scary than the first. So I decided to find out, I think the second one is a bit scarier, since it's more dark and you get to fight against scarier enemies. If you have played it, you must know about the facility where the crazy people escaped in and yeah, you have to fight against them in a dark area.
Well I think the second one is the scariest of the two I have played so far I will play the third some day.
But if you want a good scare you should play amnesia the dark crescent. I think everyone know about that game, but it's the scariest game I have ever played. It's because you cant fight the enemies you have to hide or run.

Stay tuned if you wanna see more reviews on F.E.A.R. There will be other reviews too, and they will come soon!

Links to steam.
F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin
F.E.A.R 3

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