Sunday 29 July 2012

Dead Space

These games are so awesome, you are Isaac Clarke that comes to a mining ship. Now your only way out is to fight against hostile, ugly monsters called "Necromorphs". Your girlfriend Nicole worked there too so you are there to save here to. The game is so funny and the ones who already have played it know that the secret in the game  is quite funny. You can upgrade your suit in dockstations or something like that in the same station you can also buy ammunition, weapons, energy packs and other things. I like how it's a puzzle and action game which is really awesome. You can also upgrade your items in workbenches with special caps that you find.

This game is excellent, its a perfect horror/action game and as the punchline in Alien "In space no on can hear you scream" it fits perfectly in this game. Well this game is really funny. They have announced a Dead Space 3!

Good story

The gameplay it's really hard to control Isaac with a keyboard and mouse

Dead space website:
Dead Space
Dead Space on steam
Dead Space 2 on steam

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