Thursday 5 July 2012

Star wars the force unleashed 2

I have read much about this game and they havent rated this game so high so I though why not test it?
It's a pretty good hack n' slash game sure the takedowns you have in this game is a bit boring since they are the same everytime depending on the enemy, which is kinda boring. It was fun according to me. You are this jedi who works for darth vader or gets used by him and you are told you are a clone of the original "starkiller" but you break free and escapes vaders hold. And saves your old general and now you are after revenge.
It's a really fun game actually, I have played a couple of star wars games and this is one of the funnier ones!
It's totally worth to check up if you like them hack n' slash games!
The rating of this game is 6/10

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