Thursday 12 July 2012

Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning

I am not done with the game, but it's a rpg (role-playing game) game. It looks just like fable but it's so much more fun than fable. Up until now fable the lost chapters was my favorite rpg game but Reckoning beats it so hard.

You get to pick the character you play with and customize her or him, then when you are done you get too see a cutscene where your body gets dumped. When you wake up the tower you are in is under siege and you meet a gnome and you get to fight your way out of the tower. Before you leave the tower you meet a gnome, an old friend or something.

When you leave the tower you meet a guy that can see into the future and after you have talked too him you get ambushed by some rogues and you get your chance to use your special powers. And the futureteller cant really see into your fate because you dont have one.

After this it's just to go around doing side quests or doing the main quest (probably the story line)

But yeah I havent played it so much but so far this is probably the most epic game ever made! It's really cool made and you get new attacks as you level and they are awesome, you can choose between rogue, warrior or sorcerer.
Play this game! It's totally worth all the time you spend on it!

Rating: 10/10

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