Friday 27 July 2012

Zeno Clash

Now there will be an indie game week, just finished zeno clash it's a first person shooter/fighter game it's so ridiculous that it's funny as hell. You are this guy that wakes up after defeating the father-mother. Then hell breaks lose and all the sister and brothers from father-mother starts chasing you. The story of the game is too see what happened before you killed father-mother and the story is quite interesting and good! The fights are really fun, hack n' slash except first person view. Really cool and the second zeno clash will have co/op which sounds very cool. The fighting is really cool you can fight and shoot with guns. It's neither to hard nor to easy which makes this game really funny since you can almost relax throughout the entire game.

I cannot compare this game with any other because it's kinda unique for me at least. The only negative thing I could find is that the story is short. But as I said the second game is coming soon!
Check this game up this is among the better indie games I have played, but there will only be reviews on indie games this week so tune in for more!
Good fights
Cool story
Cool graphics

Short story

Rating 8/10

Link to steam:
Zeno Clash

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