Sunday 15 July 2012

Tribes Ascend

So this is a fairly new free to play, first person shooter game. I remember the first tribes they were quite funny, great idea with the veichles and weapons and so on. But it's the same game but with better graphics and it's so messy when you play online it's not that funny, I played it on closed beta havent played it since but I did not enjoy it one bit! But it looks a bit like halo so if you enjoy halo online you may like this.

I can give it that the graphics are kinda cool, but that's the only thing I like with it.

The only good free to play first person shooter game I have played is Blacklight retribution and Alliance of valiant arms or what it's called!


Gameplay, it stinks according to me
They need new ideas looks just like the first tribes except the graphics

The rating is a 3/10 not my type of game

Click on the text below to get to the sites!
Tribes Ascend official website
Tribes Ascend on Steam

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